Zero Day revshell exploit tool for Remote Code Execution vulnerability found in Telegram's bot api broadcast_msg api call. Signal RCE vulnerability found in contact exchange API : researchkendra91/signal-zeroday-exploit create time: : darthvander20/discord-zero-day-exploit create time:

Zero day exploit that abuses a remote code execution vulnerability in Discord send_emoji API call. No description : zPrototype/CVE-2023-29808 create time: : darthvander20/whatsapp-zero-day-exploit create time: Zero day exploit that abuses the send_reaction api call to obtain a reverse shell on the targets device.
The script supports both Windows and Linux (On testing) platforms, and it can be used to exploit individual targets or perform mass checking on a list of URLs. It allows remote command execution on the target server. This project is a Python script that exploits the CVE-2023-24489 vulnerability in ShareFile. : Maxwitat/CVE-2023-36884-Scripts-for-Intune-Remediation-SCCM-Compliance-Baseline create time: The detection script checks if they exist. The remediation script should set the reg entries described in. SCTF 2023 kernel pwn & CVE-2023-3640 : pray77/CVE-2023-3640 create time: į5-BIG-IP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability CVE-2022-1388: A Case Study : SudeepaShiranthaka/F5-BIG-IP-Remote-Code-Execution-Vulnerability-CVE-2022-1388-A-Case-Study create time:

This is a Python3 script that demonstrates an exploit for a Blind SQL Injection vulnerability in WebERP version 4.15.

Proof of concept for LabVIEW Web Server HTTP Get Newline DoS vulnerability : fauzanwijaya/CVE-2002-0748 create time: Recent Campaign abusing CVE-2023-36884 : deepinstinct/Storm0978-RomCom-Campaign create time: Automatic monitor github cve using Github Actions ¶