He may also want to make comments along the way containing observations about the individual cows: Totally Tabular! What sort of information does young Matteo need to track? He's got cattle he cares for, and will need to track their weight. Let's start by creating a database: Presto! We have a new database! She's a cruel woman, but she's all Matteo has (and she makes a mean Älplermagronen). Now that we've installed HeidiSQL, let's use it to spin some Volkskunde about a young mountain herdsman (Matteo) who must track his modest collection of Braunvieh (cattle), lest his wicked Auntie Adhelburg lash him with a Hornbeam switch. Allow Heidi SQL to shine some light into your withered database worldview, and brighten your SQL experience! A Boy Named Matteo, a Stubborn Aunt, and Their Cows She gradually won him over with her innocent charm, and eventually taught him to read! In your own version of Heidi, you are the stubborn grandfather, obstinately refusing to embrace all that your database has to offer. In the folklore version of the story " Heidi", a young girl was sent to live with a recalcitrant grandfather in the remote mountains of Switzerland.
This could be valuable for learning about your database schema, and how to interrogate it yourself! One interesting addition - the lower output pane displays all the SQL sent to the database (for example, to compile the list of tables for the treeview on left).

Upon logging into the selected session and database, you are greeted with a main screen, vibrant and clean as springtime in Lucerne. Enter your connection string and credentials, and away you go! You connect me This includes the standard connection strings, authentication, port info, as well as more technical matters (SSL, etc).
With the download complete, a simple setup screen collects your database information. Visualize your request as a flock of Alpine Choughs lifting into flight, and your download as the churning Rhine, flowing the HeidiSQL bits onto your machine. Picture, if you will, snowy mountain peaks, a green valley, and the Heidi SQL download link. Along the way, we'll meet a young ambitious shepherd named Matteo, will see how he uses HeidiSQL to grow his business, and solve problems in his life. In this post, we will embark upon a grand Swiss adventure, installing and working with HeidiSQL to achieve our loftiest SQL dreams.
If you are looking for a portable, free SQL Client, it is worth a look. Created in 2006 by Asgar Becker (but having origins pre-dating that), HeidiSQL is a versatile open-source SQL Client. Yes, these are the sights and sounds of Switzerland! Ancient tradition, beautiful mountain landscapes, and an oddly named, yet time-tested, SQL client. A developer launches HeidiSQL, eager to begin querying data with their trusted SQL Client. A watchmaker hunches over their workbench, patiently placing microscopic gears into place. Children in villages festively dance around the maypole, their ribbons gradually forming a beautiful pattern. A goat herder tending his modest collection of livestock patiently guides them through an alpine meadow. The majestic call of the Alphorn comes echoing down the mountain, filling the air with ancient mystery. HeidiSQL: SQL in the Land of Alps and Watches