This process doesn’t require any incisions and will only take a couple of minutes. The synovial sampling process will be done at your doctor’s office. You won’t need to do anything in preparation for the test, but let your doctor know if you’re taking blood thinners. Other treatment methods to reduce pain may be used along with treatment for the infection.Your doctor will recommend a synovial fluid analysis if you have signs of joint inflammation, redness, swelling, or injury to help diagnose the condition. On occasion, surgery is required to remove any damaged sections of the joint or replace the joint, but this is only done after the infection has been treated. Most cases of infectious arthritis require surgery, such as arthroscopy or an open procedure, to wash out the joint. This procedure often has to be repeated over the course of several days to ensure the fluid has been removed. Sometimes, a doctor can use a small needle to remove infected fluid without requiring surgery. This drain is then removed in a few days.

Usually, a drain or tube will be inserted and left in the joint to keep the joint from swelling again. Your doctor will use the camera image to guide them in suctioning the infected fluid from your joint. Then, they’ll insert a small tube containing a camera into the incision. With arthroscopy, your doctor will make several small incisions near the affected joint. Synovial fluid is often drained using arthroscopy, but it can be done in an open surgical procedure. This is done to remove the infected fluid, ease pain and swelling, and prevent further damage to the joint. Many people with infectious arthritis need to have their synovial fluid drained. Infectious arthritis caused by a virus doesn’t require medication. Your doctor will prescribe antifungal medication instead of antibiotics if a fungus is causing your infection. It’s important to take the entire course of antibiotics to treat the infection effectively. Oral antibiotics for infectious arthritis usually need to be taken for six to eight weeks. Your doctor may also prescribe oral antibiotics to treat the infection. Most people begin to feel better within 48 hours of their first antibiotic treatment. This treats the infection more quickly than oral antibiotics. As a result, your doctor may order intravenous antibiotics, which are given through your veins. The infection needs to be treated promptly and aggressively to prevent osteoarthritis and damage to your joint. Your doctor will use the information from your tests to choose an antibiotic that’s effective for the type of bacteria present in your joint. Treatment for infectious arthritis caused by a bacteria usually begins with antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the infection. How Is Infectious Arthritis Treated? Prescription Drugs Imaging tests used for infectious arthritis include: These tests can also help your doctor see if your joint has been damaged by the infection. Imaging tests may also be ordered to confirm the presence of infection.

This information can help your doctor determine the severity of the infection. This is another way to check your white blood cell count and to determine if any bacteria are present in your bloodstream. Your doctor may also take a blood sample from you. The information from this test can tell your doctor if you have an infection in the joint and what is causing the infection. The sample is sent to the lab to be examined for color, consistency, and the presence of white blood cells and bacteria. It involves inserting a needle into the affected joint to take a sample of synovial fluid. If they suspect you have infectious arthritis, they may order additional tests.Īn arthrocentesis is a test frequently used to diagnose this condition. Your doctor will examine your joint and ask you questions about your symptoms.